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DAY 2 of 12 Days of Christmas Free Give-A-Way

12 Days of Christmas, DAY 2

ROOTS (sold)

Roots is sold, but for today's FREE Give-A-Way,
I have a beautiful notecard of this painting for the winner.
To be considered for this little gift,
scroll down to the comments section, and
tell why you like or dislike the color green.


  1. Green is my favorite color - there are so many variations and it is such a restful, beautiful color which takes you outside into the wonders of nature - just like your lovely painting.

    1. I loved your use of the word "restful." In Ohio we see so many of those variations you talked about. Love you, Barb!!! Thanks!

  2. Green with envy over the color green. a deep rich earth tone. What is not to like? Green and blue together are so settling for the spirit. Truthfully, there isn't a color I don't like.

  3. I love the color green - all shades, maybe it's because I have green eyes and when I wear green it really brings out the color of my eyes.....glo

  4. Green is the color of life, to me. It smells like fresh cut grass and tasseling corn. It sounds like the rustling of grass on a spring day. But it does not look good on me. Aqua and teal are the closest variation of green I can wear. This time of year, it reminds me of eternal life given to us through the sacrificial gift of Jesus Christ. It is the warming neighbor of my favorite color blue, so therefore, green is never far from view!

    1. Wow! Christi, I love what you have written! The Color of Life! And you rhymed, too!! Thanks!


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