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Moon Over Lake Powell_3.75 x 3.75"_mixed_landscape

January 30 in 30
Liquid Visions
[Alcohol Inks on Yupo]
January 1, 2014
Moon Over Lake Powell © Donna Pierce-Clark

Happy New Year!
Moon Over Lake Powell is the first of 30 paintings I will do in January.
Each day, a new painting!
Check out the auctions -------->>>>>>

Taming alcohol inks on yupo is a bit more difficult than watercolor on yupo!
The inks are constantly changing, and have a mood and mind of their own!
This is my challenge to myself for January: Tame Alcohol Inks!
Stay tuned!


  1. This one gives me the feeling of snow falling. Maybe its the blue in the sky that looks like its snowing… very pretty.

  2. I really like the effect you've achieved with the alcohol inks. That's one medium that I would like to try.

  3. Thanks, Nancy.
    These inks are lots of fun.
    I think you would enjoy them.
    I did a few beach scenes yesterday.
    They will be posted in the next few days!


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